Empowering birth mothers in their post-adoption journey

We offer post-adoption support and advocacy to birth mothers, helping them navigate the post-adoption phase confidently, gracefully, and with dignity.

Main picture on Birthmom buddies site. Topview of two people at a desk, holding coffee in one hand and hands in the other during post-adoption support.
578 Love Is

Bridging the gap in birth mother post-adoption support

There is currently a substantial lack in post-adoption support for birth mothers. Our mission is to bridge this gap and empower birth mothers on their journey towards healing, growth, and self-sufficiency. We envision a world where every birth mother, regardless of her background, is guaranteed the resources, care, and support she deserves.

Our Services

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Emotional Support

We offer confidential mental health services, including peer support groups, licensed counseling, and mentorship programs.

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Financial Assistance

We provide financial assistance to birth mothers facing genuine financial difficulties post-adoption, including but not limited to emergency funds, scholarships, and housing/bill assistance.

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Advocacy and Education

We advocate responsibly to address legal and societal challenges for birth mothers. Our educational resources and workshops cover topics like legal rights, self-sufficiency, parenting, and life planning.


You can make a real difference in the lives of birth mothers by donating.

Donations sustain our programs, ensuring birth mothers receive vital resources and assistance. Join us in empowering birth mothers on their journey.

Three women looking at the camera.

Thank you to our Partners

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